Heide Veterinary Services offers a variety of services to our clients.
At Heide Veterinary Services we offer various up to date and innovative technologies and techniques to achieve successful pregnancies in your mares.

Lameness exams are performed at the clinic and on farm to diagnose the cause of lameness and determine the best possible treatment for the horse.
Sports Medicine
Treatments we offer to increase your horse's performance and get them into winning form.
Dr. Brian Heide perfoms acupuncture on horses of various disciplines.
We routinely perform dentistry performance floats and corrective work to ensure that every horse has a comfortable mouth that is functioning properly.
HVS offers ambulatory services and we provide on farm veterinary care for Equine and Bovine patients.
HVS is equipped with a Portavet Mobile Clinic unit. This allows us to provide high quality veterinary services and after hours Emergency Service to many areas of central Alberta. Many of our patients cannot travel or have severe injuries or medical conditions that require on farm assessment and treatment.

Pre-Purchase Exam
An important step before purchasing a new horse is to have the horse examined by the veterinarian to determine soundness and health status of the horse.
Our Services
Our practice provides services to cattle producers on farm with ambulatory calls.